Sound insulation hood


When does it make sense to use a sound insulation bonnet as a soundproofing measure?

Steam and hot water boiler systems cause noise during operation.
Sound refers to mechanical vibrations and waves. These vibrations always occur at certain frequencies.
Our ears can perceive vibrations of around 16 Hz for low-pitched sounds and around 16000 Hz for high-pitched sounds. If these sounds exceed a certain limit, they are perceived as noise.
Specific protective measures must then be taken. The legislator has issued regulations for protection against noise. These can be found, for example, in the BImSchG, TA-Lärm, DIN 4109, DIN 45 680 or in VDI Guideline 2058. The requirements and regulations are as varied as our customers’ systems are individual. That’s why our professionals take all the necessary noise protection measures into account right from the planning phase. One of these measures can be the use of a sound insulation hood, for example.
It serves to reduce the sound level and reduces the noise caused by the burner’s ongoing operation.
The noise reduction always depends on the design of the hood. It can be 20-25 dB, for example. However, the use of a mobile sound insulation hood also requires a sufficiently dimensioned free space in front of the burner system.
The hood can simply be moved to the side for maintenance or repair work.
Our experts can tell you whether a sound insulation hood is a suitable soundproofing measure for your steam or hot water boiler system!

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