
Mietanlage Horst

A perfect example of an economical application

The vocational students from the Max-Born-Berufskolleg visited us last Tuesday.
As part of our company presentation, the question of when it would make economic sense to use a rental boiler came up when talking about rental systems. An upcoming turnaround is a perfect example of an economical application. As a rule, steam and hot water boiler systems in the process industry are shut down every two to three years.
They are then intensively inspected as part of a general overhaul or turnaround. Production has to be stopped in order to carry out extensive maintenance, testing or modernization work. For plant operators, this means that there is a failure in the process steam supply and production comes to a standstill. This results in significant losses in turnover and profits.
Our Horst rental plant (12t/h, 8.4 MW, 26 bar) was loaded yesterday and will be in Gelsenkirchen for the next four weeks.
An oil refinery is undergoing a turnaround and Horst is taking over the process steam supply so that production does not come to a standstill.

You can find other economically viable applications for rental boilers here!